The right affiliate marketing strategy equals results

Let us show you how we generate results within your industry.

Some Of Our Clients

Expand Your Program

Affiliate Program Management

As a leading affiliate management company, Battery Park. has years of experience launching new affiliate programs and taking over the management of existing programs. Our affiliate relationships and program management experience are the ultimate tools for increasing your results through performance based marketing.
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Partner With The Best

The Leading Affiliate Marketing Agency


Quality Active Publishers

Extensive Affiliate Relationships

Through our experience in the affiliate channel, Versa has become one of the most recognizable and trusted management agencies amongst affiliates.
0 %

Average Sales Growth in first 6 months

Propriety Management Processes

We’ve developed a series of proven and repeatable program management methodologies to identify, recruit, engage and develop affiliate partnerships within the programs we manage.
0 %

Average Increase in Active Affiliates

Preferred Network Agency

As a leading affiliate agency, Versa has been given the distinction of Preferred Agency within all the major US affiliate networks.

Client Customization

We pride ourselves on our ability to understand our clients’ objectives and develop customized strategies to generate rapid and consistent results.

Strategic Partnerships

A major differentiating factor in our management is the strategic partnerships we’ve built with tier 1 media publications, content publishers and micro to macro influencers.

Exclusively Affiliate Management

The exclusive focus of our agency is affiliate management. This has allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in the channel and establish Versa as the leading channel expert.

What's affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing can seem overwhelming, let us simplify it for you? We’ve put together a breakdown of the various players, where your company fits in and the advantages of this powerful, performance based marketing channel.
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Home Improvement

An innovative leader in the filtration industry that manufactures products that create a safe environment. Their approach is simple; make quality products at accessible prices. They believe clean, healthy indoor air is a must in every home or place of business… but it should not come at a premium cost. Customers receive maximum purchasing flexibility as they offer one of the largest air filter selections on the market, even providing custom-make filter options.


year-over-year growth


increase in active affiliates


successful product launches

Health & Wellness

An established company in the health and wellness vertical. The client provides convenient, affordable and confidential lab tests. You no longer need to go to a doctor or have insurance to get a medical test. You can order a blood test online and stop into one of the hundreds of test locations nationwide. They cover everything from allergy tests, routine blood work and comprehensive disease screenings.

Top 100

ShareaSale Power Rank


Increase in Affiliate Engagement


In Annual Revenue

What Our Clients & Partners Say

“Battery Park’s Marketing team is amazing! They took the time to understand our business and provide great support throughout the whole process. I would recommend Battery Park for someone exploring affiliate marketing!”
“The members of Battery Park’s team were a perfect extension to our marketing team. They made it easy to quickly grow and maintain Neat’s affiliate business. Their attention to detail and experience in the field has made them a real asset.”
The Neat Company
“We have been very impressed with Battery Park Marketing. Not only have we seen and immediate impact in our shareasale referrals, we were also very impressed with the detailed launch our Avantlink program. They have freed up our marketing team to focus on future projects. Battery Park has been a great “hands free” solution to management of our affiliate program.”
Colorado Kayak Supply
“Partnering with Battery Park on our affiliate management has made a tremendous difference with our programs. It’s provided additional scale we would not have been able to achieve internally, and across the board we are seeing revenue growth in double digits, a strong focus on recruitment, fraud auditing/resolution, and deployment of new programs. We’re extremely pleased with the Battery Park team and the results they are generating.”
Only Natural Pet Store

Affiliate Network Partners

Battery Park is a preferred agency partner with the top affiliate networks and tracking platforms. Leverage our industry and technical expertise to get the most from your affiliate program.
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